The Wonderful Benefits of Hydrafacial and our Latest Offer!

Renew and rejuvenate your skin with our End of Summer Skin Treatment Special – Read more below!

Our Hydra Facials use vortex technology to cleanse, extract, peel and Hydrate each pore, for your best and brightest skin!

What is Hydrafacial?
HydraFacial is an invigorating treatment that can be given in as little as 30 minutes. It delivers long-term skin health and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of all skin types. It offers instant, noticeable results with no downtime or irritation. The HydraFacial treatment removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while simultaneously bathing the new skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturising serums. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.

Why is Hydrafacial good for my skin?
Hydration is the foundation of healthy, radiant skin. Irritation of the skin has been proven to increase signs of ageing. HydraFacial is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.

Am I a candidate for this treatment?
The HydraFacial treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the HydraFacial treatment. Your physician or skincare professional may choose specific treatment serums and/or customise the treatment for your unique skin conditions and needs. Consult your physician or skincare professional for a skin evaluation and sensitivity test.

How long does the treatment take? Is there any downtime or pain involved?
Our goal is to help support you in a balanced lifestyle. That’s why HydraFacial is a fast, efficient treatment that takes as little as 30 minutes. You may put on makeup and return to your normal activities right after the treatment since there is no downtime.

What results are expected? How many treatments are needed for results? How long do the results last?
Many clients report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment. The smooth results and hydration may last 5 to 7 days or even longer. We don’t believe in quick fixes, so one treatment per month is recommended for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, oily and congested skin. Continued HydraFacial treatments are highly recommended to maintain skin health results.

To book please call the Luxury Spa & Clinic on 02 4646 1832, Laser & Dermal Clinic on 02 4647 8806 or the Boutique Medispa on 02 8999 1480.


And don’t forget our Dermapen + Hydrafacial Special is still on until the end of March, which includes 3x Dermapen treatments, 3x Hydrafacial Luxe treatments AND $50 retail credit to spend on products, for the special price of $950! This package is normally valued at $1367, that’s a saving of $417! T&C’s – Offer valid until 31/3/20, available at all clinics, retail credit to be used same day as service only.


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