Give your face and neck an instant lift with lasting results!
PDO threads have completely revolutionised the world of aesthetics. Despite being around for decades but used in other medical treatments like suturing incisions or gynecological disorders, the use of PDO threads have only recently found its way in aesthetics.

PDO threads have managed to encompass the ideal overall anti-ageing treatment in just one treatment. With offering mechanical skin lifting and other benefits like promoting collagen production and contracting fat tissues, these threads result in overall improve skin texture, elasticity and signs of aging.

Learn About Our

PDO Mint Threads

Watch our video to learn about this service. Contact us if you would like more information.

  • What are PDO Mint Threads?

    What are PDO Mint Threads?

    PDO stands for polydioxanone, Mint PDO refers to an absorbable form of PDO threads. They are barbed sutures that is used in wound closure. PDO threads are thinner than hair and are made of protein.

    The goal with the use of PDO threads is to give your skin a mechanical lift all while relaxing your tendons and muscles. Your blood flow to that area is improved along with the promotion of neocollagenesis. This dictates the collagen in places to give you a more defined look.

    What are PDO Mint Threads?
  • How long will the treatment last?

    How long will the treatment last?

    If you are wondering if the treatment is worth it depending on its longevity, PDO Mint threads will leave you amazed. These last for an average of 18 months. However, the best part about it is that you do not lose your results in any manner. Due to its collagen production properties, the collagen sets itself in ways that your skin stays lifted and tight. You get to experience your final results in all its glory after six to eight months.

    Your results can be extended with the right care. Starting off from hydration, use of the right sunscreen, a healthy diet and adequate use of vitamins and supplements to ensure that your skin is getting all the energy required to keep its neocollagenesis up and running.

    How long will the treatment last?
  • The Procedure

    The Procedure

    We start off with a proper preparation with the help of a local topical anesthetic to numb the area. The PDO threads are inserted into your skin using a cannula or a micro-needle to your chosen areas of the face or neck. All the healthcare professionals accompany you throughout the treatment while working very closely and precisely to ensure that you get the skin of your dreams!

    PDO Threat treatments are non-invasive and do not require any incisions or other surgical methods. The overall treatment only takes off an hour or more of your time without any downtime. The puncture points take a while to heal but you are ready to take on the world with your new and improved skin!

    The Procedure

PDO Mint Threads

at The Beauty Base

The Beauty Base offers premium cosmetic procedures that are performed by Dr. Peter Bakaric and his highly trained team of medical experts. All medical and aesthetic procedures are performed under strict supervision by experienced and qualified professionals.

We offer PDO Mint Threads at our globally recognised salons, which have won several awards for the luxurious and cosmedic grade treatments we offer.

Please call into any of our salons to book your PDO Mint Threads appointment and to speak to one of our friendly therapists.