Booking & Cancellation Policy

  • Securing your appointment:

    Please note, when booking certain appointments** with The Beauty Base online, over the phone or in-store it is required that a valid credit card is provided to secure this appointment.

    Credit card information is stored safely and securely using the technology of our software provider, Zenoti. Please note, no fee will be charged to your card upon initial booking.

    For a seamless check-out experience, the credit card details you provide can be used to finalise payments for future treatments, product purchases, and more. If you prefer, you’re welcome to use an alternate method of payment instead.

    Guests with existing appointment deposits are welcome to continue to redeem these at time of payment.

    ** Appointments include but are not limited to: Spa Services such as Facials or Massages, Laser Hair Removal Services with a duration of 30 minutes or longer, Dermal Therapy Services (including Cosmetic Aesthetic Services) and all other Beauty Base treatments with a duration of 30 minutes or longer.

  • Late arrivals:

    If you are running late for your appointment, we will do our best to accommodate you. However, in consideration of other guests with pre-booked appointments, we may need to adjust the duration or inclusions of your service based on how late you arrive. This ensures that all our guests receive the attention and care they deserve while allowing us to maintain our schedule. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    If you are not present within the salon at the time of your appointment, our lovely receptionists will attempt to call you within 5 minutes of your scheduled appointment start time. If you do not answer, we will wait another 5-10 minutes and try again. If, after our second call we do not hear from you, your appointment will be marked as non-attendance.

  • Cancellations:

    Please note that your treatment time is reserved exclusively for you. This time is set aside to ensure you receive the personalised care you deserve. Late cancellations or missed appointments not only impact our therapists but also other guests who may have been waiting for that time. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in respecting our cancellation policy.

    Failure to notify our team at least 24 hours prior to your appointment or failure to show up to your appointment on the day, will regrettably result in a cancellation fee being charged to the card on file. Please note that If you have secured your appointment with a pre-paid treatment concession, the concession will be forfeited in the event of a no-show or cancellation within 24 hours.

    For package and membership holders, a service credit may be deducted from your balance. If you need to make changes to your appointment, please call the salon you’re booked with at least 24 hours in advance. You can find the number in your email confirmation, and our lovely Front of House team will be delighted to assist you.

    The cancellation fee charged is 50% for cancellations within 24 hours of an appointment and 100% for no call, no show. Please note, that the 50% cancellation fee allows us to share the cost with you, as The Beauty Base covers the remaining 50%.

  • Gift Vouchers Terms and Conditions:

    Please note that lost, stolen or destroyed gift vouchers cannot be refunded or replaced. All gift vouchers have a strict 36 month expiry period from date of purchase and must be redeemed by this expiry date. Gift vouchers are considered a deposit for your booking.

    Cancellation of a confirmed appointment within 24 hours or not showing for an appointment will result in a forfeit of your gift voucher in-line with our cancellation policy

Please contact our lovely team over the phone or via email, regarding any Booking or Cancellation enquiries.

Beauty Base Luxury Spa & Clinic: (02) 4646 1832
Beauty Base Laser & Dermal Clinic: (02) 4647 8806
Beauty Base Boutique Medispa: (02) 8999 1480